The Honesis Institution of The Eorzean Alliance

“Unity Through Knowledge”

Campus Address:

Gilgamesh, Mist, Ward 7, Plot 44

About Us

The Honesis Institution of The Eorzean Alliance was founded in 2022 on the 8th of March. Its initial creator Kotaro Kuraga had a concept of a place without barriers on the mind, and since then Honesis has grown into so much more. We’re a proud institution that teaches in-game concepts, lore, and even branches to some out of game ideals. Above all Honesis is a place where those who seek knowledge and enlightenment thrive. “Unity Through Knowledge” is our motto. We wish for this motto to appear a shining beacon in the world, so that all may walk in the light.

Honesis Behavior and Expectations

Honesis Institution of the Eorzean Alliance is a place of learning, not a drama center (RP drama excluded of course). It is expected that these rules and regulations are followed to the letter. If you cannot abide by these rules you will be removed.1. Be respectful of other members.
Use common sense with interactions, we’re all minds of learning here so the last thing we need to do is step on others toes.
2. Mind your professors.
We’re friendly and don’t bite, but we expect you to take the pursuit of learning seriously.
3. If you’ve any disputes, settle them accordingly.
At the same time that we’re here to help (and mediate should it be needed) we’re not in elementary school.
4. We are an immersive RP group - for the most part
Classes in FFXIV and Discord will be conducted in character (IC) and server interactions written plainly will be taken as IC talk. Out of Character (OOC) talk is permitted, as long as it is formatted clearly with brackets/parentheses around them. (Or in appropriate OOC channels.)
Example: I am currently speaking as myself, an adventurer in Eorzea. (Now I'm out of character, speaking as the person typing this message). Accidents and mistakes are understandable of course, but please attempt to keep to this format.

Our Founder

Name: Kotaro Kuraga
Pronouns: He/Him
Speciality: Aetherology, History
Brief description and background:
Born among the raging flames of the dragon song war in Ishgard of a lesser noble house, Kotaro was originally named Dyval Redirus, yet when his family was slain, he adopted the name Kotaro Kuraga for his Doman-immigrant adoptive family. To avoid the war he was sent to the Studium in Sharlayan where he completed 12 years worth of courses in 5, testing out of quite a few. He’d spend the next three years at sea before settling back home in Ishgard to be the first spark of the Honesis Institution as he created its concept with his Founding Professors. Alas, Kotaro would later give his life so that others may yet live. His memory lives on, as those who follow in his footsteps seek knowledge through unity.

Founding Professors

Name: Sumire Hara (Sumi)
Pronouns: She/Her
Specialty: History, culture, wildlife
Brief description and background:Sumire hails from a village in the Ruby Seas. She is a travelling scholar, naturalist, journalist, adventurer, tea-lover, and chronic daydreamer. She spends her days either teaching, buried neck deep in scrolls and tomes, or most importantly, spending time with her wife and two sons.Despite her nocturnal tendencies and eccentric nature, she is quite friendly and loves to offer conversation and assistance to those who need it, so feel free to approach anytime you see her!

Name: Aveline Chandel
Pronouns: She/Her
Speciality: Technology, Crafting, Augmentation, Theological Architecture
Brief description and background:
Born in the 6th astral era Aveline Chandel was the daughter of a chambermaid of the Brume and a former craftsman of Gridania. Used to the simple life, she would spend her days crafting little toys with her father and helping her mother out with the chores. Then, like so many children of Ishgard, she lost her parents to dragon fire and that awakened something deep within her; a mysterious power and a passion to craft. Over the years Aveline has been many things, an Azure Dragoon, a researcher of ancient Allag, a partner to the Garlond Ironworks, and an adventurer worthy of the Scions. Now, she holds a doctorate in Theological Architecture and wants nothing more than to teach others how technology can improve lives. "Augmentation is the future," she often argues, "one where man and machine need not be opposites, but one and the same in faith."As one of the Honesis Institution's founding professors, she hopes to be a gear of change. Through research and development of everything from steam power, to arcane matrices, to cyber initiatives and beyond, Aveline takes a little bit of everything to see that mankind grows without sacrificing that which makes us whole. One need only sit in on her classes to see her enthusiastic passion for technology and feel her great love for mankind.

Name: Caremlla Frostflower
Pronouns: She/Her
Specialty: Healing (magical and non-magical), Alchemy, Therapy
Brief description and background:
Born in Othard, Carmella spent a small (if you consider Viera years) portion of her life on the northern border of Dalmasca, praying to the kami that Garleans would not bug her home. She left for Eorzea around 23 summers and has been through many of odd adventures, love lost, and families along the way; she took up scholar for her trade and later on sought to enhance her medical and aetherical knowledge. Carmella does what she can if she has any know-how on the matter but mostly falls back to simple healing or being a friend to a soul in need of a friend. She has other jobs two that she recently joined in on was a fellow flower child and good friend who owns called the Warden's Garden and the now growing Honesis Institution of the Eorzean Alliance. While she doesn't teach at the institute, she doesn't mind assisting attendees and other staff members with projects or coordinating events.She is content on letting the other flourish while she takes a step back and happily watches how others grow which is why she often down plays her impact on others, but the people she holds dear makes sure she realizes that any contribution, no matter how small it may be is something to be celebrated. It is rare for her to exhibit any expression of sadness not because she tries to suppress it, but tries to rationalize her way through the emotions so they do not overtake her. Due to her recent discoveries, she tries harder to keep her emotions under wraps as well as soothe uneasy souls around her. Some might find her presence a little chaotic, but it's a simple way of her to balance out professionalism with playfulness whether it be dancing with sprites or enjoying a field of flowers and good weather.

Name: Bell Cranel
Pronouns: She/Her
Speciality: General adventuring and dueling
Brief description and background:
A well-known adventurer excelling in multiple combat arts. Always delighted to mentor new adventurers.

Name: Qiyin To
Pronouns: She/Her
Specialty: Home economics
Brief description and background:
Originally a refugee from Nagxia, Qiyin was born and raised as an heir to her house as as noble and strategist. Suffering a long period of amnesia after being separated from her twin sister after a naval attack on their way to Eorzea, she found a new life as a humble mother and housewife. With her memory now recovered, Qiyin's eagerness for the exchange of knowledge is ever more fervent.


Name: Mut Abha
Pronouns: He/Him
Speciality: Martial Arts
Brief description and background:
A Xaela Au Ra born in the Steppes but forcibly relocated to Ul'dah as a child with his mother and siblings. Mut was a pugilist that became a monk and helped Widargelt rebuild the Fists of Rhalgr. He wishes to teach and spread the philosophies behind the modern Fists of Rhalgr, as well as training students to defend themselves.

Name: Aniane Mir
Pronouns: She/They
Specialty: Economy and trading
Brief description and background:
Aniane has done much, from working as a healer for young adventurers, expanding her knowledge in the ways of magic and melee, and growing her talent as an artisan of many trades. In her words, "I am a jack of all, and a master of ... maybe a few." She spends a lot of her free time creating works of artisanry, deciphering treasure maps, and generally assisting others out in Eorzea. As a professor at Honesis Institute, she very much looks forward to sharing her learning and experience on market board trading.

Name: Sjol Issa-Otoel
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them
Specialization: Healing (Both Magickal, and non-magickal), Apothecary Studies, Ivalician Lore.
Small Description: Born within the Royal City of Rabanastre to a family whose lineage dates back long into the days of Ivalice and of the Zodiac Braves. With many lessons passed down from generation to generation, the young Viera, Sjol, was not spared from such lessons. The knowledge that her ancestors once had, alongside their unique knowledge of Aether, and where to draw from. Spending the majority of her life within Dalmasca, she was soon quick to move from Rabanastre to Eorzea, chasing a certain Witch of Dalmasca.Revenge took her to Eorzea, where she cast aside her staff, taking up her sister's shield, and becoming a shieldbearer in the Adders' ranks. In doing so, she ended up on the fields of Cartenaeu, battling for the fate of Eorzea against the Empire, in said battle, her shield was shattered, alongside her arm, causing her to retire from the battle to Ishgard, moving from one war, to another. After recovering, Sjol would lend her shield to the Knights de Fortemps of Ishgard, alongside the Eorzean Alliance, and so on. Eventually, as the battles came to an end, She'd begin to settle, deciding to help mend the world, for those she could not save, and for those she yet could...

Name: Sathies Asamos
Pronouns: He/him
Specialization: Ishgardian Combat/History/Culture
Small Description: Born and raised in Ishgard, Sathies grew up to be a dragoon and learned the ins of out of advanced combat methods, and loves to teach people about his culture and history! Even though it's pretty messed up!

Name: Karilan Black
Pronouns: She/Her
Speciality: Communication
Brief description and background:
Posh kitty, keeper of birds, and your friend from the word hello.
At first glance Karilan comes across as an Ishgardian noble, but her knowledge of Uldah's back alleys and connections with many Limsan pirate crews tell a different story. Though she doesn't quite view everyone equally, she tries to give each person she meets a fair opportunity and especially endeavors to befriend anyone who appears to be in need of a companion.

Name: Mew Lancaster
Pronouns: He/Him
Speciality: Crafting & Gathering (DoH/L)
Brief description and background:
Most would be surprised to hear that Mew Lancaster actually had a light hatred for crafting when he first arrived in Eorzea. If it weren't the joy he found in botany, he likely would have abandoned crafting entirely. He's now passionate about both skills, determined to help others through his crafting business, the Eorzea Postal Service, and now as a teacher at Honesis so he can pass his knowledge onto anyone willing to learn.

Name: Raevyn Koneko
Pronouns: She/Her
Speciality: All things bard!
Brief description and background:Raised by moogles in the Black Shroud, Raevyn learned two things from her adoptive culture... music and mischief! While generally easy-going, she can be very driven and passionate when it comes to her music. She can also be a demanding teacher for those with the courage to sign up for one of her music classes, but the results speak for themselves. She currently tours Aether with her ensemble, Raevyn and the Miqo'tones. When she's not busy performing, Raevyn currently lives in Ishgard with her family and still maintains a small classroom in Gridania.

Contact Us

Our most updated information can be found here, including the details of our upcoming classes and activities.

Our main campus is on Gilgamesh, Mist, Ward 7, Plot 44. Outside you will find a training yard, outdoor study space, garden and treehouse. Inside, you will find a mail room for retainers, a cafeteria, and an upstairs library for study sessions.
If you wish to join us directly on Gilgamesh, send in an application today and tour our various classrooms at the main campus:
- Councilors Office (Rm #1)
- Classroom Auspicious - Far Eastern Education Space (Rm #2)
- Infirmary (Rm #3)
- Classroom Reflection - Sin Eater and First History Classroom (Rm #4)
- Brilliant Light - White Magicks and Apothecary Classroom (Rm #5)
- Laboratory 1 - Tech Workshop and Crafting Education Classroom (Rm #7)
- The Hearth - Home Economic Classroom (Rm #8)
- Verdensrommet - Gyr Abanian Studies Classroom (Rm #9)
Other centers of learning include:
- Classroom 8 - General Studies Venue @Siren, Mist Ward 8, Apartment 49
- Classroom 14 - Job Studies Venue @Faerie, The Goblet Ward 5, Apartment 38
- Raevyn's Band Room @Midgard, Lavender Beds, Ward 3, Subdivision Apartment 24
All of these spaces and more are used for various events. Sometimes Professors even host field trips, so be sure to check our event page here on Discord, or ask to join our Crossworld Linkshell or Fellowship in-game to stay up to date on everything happening around the school.